College Counseling

College Counseling


大学录取过程可能是令人兴奋的,令人生畏的,也可能是充满力量的. Archmere Academy's College Counseling Office is available to all students and their families 12 months of the year and counsels students from their freshmen year through graduation.  The goal of the college counseling program is to promote student growth and assist students in finding the college with the best academic, extracurricular, and social fit for them. 我们的顾问有超过45年的大学入学和大学咨询经验, 帮助学生做出最好的大学选择. Students take the lead in this process to maximize individual growth and ensure that the journey best prepares them for future success in college and beyond; however, 在这次旅行中,学生们不会单独飞行.

我们的大学辅导员与每个学生单独工作, examining how schools make admissions decisions and helping students understand college applications' strategic side to maximize their success. The College Counseling Office and the entire Archmere community create a supportive network to lessen the anxiety and stress of the college search and application process.

Finding the Right Fit

大学早期的编程和大一新生的对话, sophomore, and junior year will provide students with the opportunity to become better informed and more comfortable with the college process, alleviating stress. In addition, 每年,来自全国各地学校的众多大学招生专业人员都会参加Archmere的编程. Giving students access to admission representatives early and often provides students with greater confidence and comfort in communicating with colleges and provides additional resources for questions, answers, and peace of mind.

大学辅导员利用他们的知识和资源从头到尾帮助学生, 同时也在这个过程中担任强有力的倡导者. 重要的是,学生们不要把找大学想象成一场赛跑. 进入,虽然令人兴奋,但只是过程中的一个阶段. 学生们把他们在皇冠博彩教育期间学到的知识和技能应用到他们的未来. 找大学的过程会挑战学生的优先次序, meet deadlines, self-advocate, communicate, reflect, plan for the future, be a savvy consumer, and make adult decisions. All of these are practical skills that will better equip them for the rigors of college and their futures beyond higher education.

List of 3 events.

  • May

    Six Lives Exercise

    The College Counselors invite ninth and tenth graders to begin an optional discussion about their future after Archmere, 尤其是在职业方面. Students will be challenged to define what success in the future might look like by completing the Six Lives Exercise from G. 理查德·谢尔的书《皇冠博彩》. This exercise was designed to help students think outside of the box in regards to careers beginning with what makes them happy and how they define success rather than focusing on specific careers.
    科学楼-科学报告厅- SLH
  • Feb

    Career Networking

    Theater & The Patio
  • Mar
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List of 5 members.

  • Photo of Christopher Boehm

    Christopher Boehm 

    302-798-6632 Ext 771
  • Photo of Catherine Reigner

    Catherine Reigner 

    大学心理咨询副主任; History Teacher
    302-798-6632 Ext 863
  • Photo of Logan Duffie

    Logan Duffie 

    Associate Director of Admissions; College Counselor
    302-798-6632 Ext 713
  • 苏恩·伊莱恩·索勒摄

    Suzyn-Elayne Soler 

    302-798-6632 Ext 772
  • Photo of Kees van Haasteren

    Kees van Haasteren 

    302-798-6632 Ext 793


College Counseling Blog

List of 1 news stories.

  • 每月大学咨询更新:2024年4月

    和每年一样,在5月1日,我们用一种稍微不同的方式来庆祝我们的高年级学生. 虽然今天确实有一个大学主题, we didn’t want to make it all about college decisions because there are some students that are still making their final enrollment decisions due to the FAFSA forced deadline extensions. Some students are still awaiting aid packages and others are still indecisive and taking advantage of the extra decision time.
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